The number one excuse you tell yourself is you don’t have enough time to exercise. As someone who’s heard this excuse more times than I can remember, I’ll tell you this cold hard fact.
It’s a big lie.
This past weekend I celebrated my son Rory’s 6th birthday.
This past year as he’s gained more confidence in his physical abilities he’s only become more and more active. Heck, the last month alone with camps, swimming lessons and Jiu Jitsu, it’s been non stop.
And recently he’s shown a huge interest in “working out” or what I call his attempts to mimic what he sees me doing.
Being there and being at my best for him is of the utmost importance.
Being physically fit for your children should be a non-negotiable.
Over 42 percent of U.S. adults are currently obese. That’s up from 30 percent in 2000.
The worst part?
Childhood obesity rates increased from 36.2 to 45.7 percent during pandemic
Now all my parents out there can attest to how hard it is to be at your best when you have little ones running around. To those of you with more than 1, bless you.
And I get it, placing yourself or your well-being at the forefront is difficult as parents often fall victim to the “me last” realm.
We place an increased focused on our little ones and as they age it seems to only present even more challenges.
Our own self-care is placed on the backburner and then we forget that it’s important for us to stay on top of our own health and wellness game for our children.
But saying you don’t have time just isn’t the reason.
It’s just not a priority.
No one is telling you that you have to live in the gym. Heck, like most of my coaching clients, you don’t need to go to the gym, bring the gym to you!
Train at home.
Get up early.
Do it while the kids are sleeping.
Before work.
On your lunch break.
You can do a lot in 2-3 workouts per week. In as little as 60 minutes to 3 hours per week.
Strength training is the fountain of youth. Paired with sound nutrition and adequate sleep you’ll be on your way.
It will never be easy but it will always be worth it.
Just stop using the excuse of time and start calling it what it is.
Not a priority.
Get Better,